I was enamored by Froi’s transformation from a preposterous, spiteful street boy to a young man of strength, intelligence and loyalty. Finding a home in Lumatere with the people who embrace him like their own, training with the guards and learning the respectable ways of life turned him into a fine man. His life since the curse on Lumatere was lifted has been absolutely different and all those years he spent in his new home had prepared him to a greater challenge—a journey that would change his life forever for he would unravel the truth of who he is, where and to who he truly belongs and what he can become. It’s the song that’s sleeping on his blood that would lead him to discover his true destiny.
Author Melina Marchetta is a real literary genius and I was so impressed at how she deftly developed Froi as an adorable and impressive character. No prejudice meant but of the three books in the Lumatere Chronicles, Froi of the Exiles is the most exciting, adventurous and awe-inspiring. There are no humdrum moments, only thrill-filled pages peppered with unforeseen surprises that could take your breath away.
I am drowned in my fascination that I am lost for words to explain how I adore this stunning masterpiece!
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